Elevating the Backdrop
"It will be difficult to name a class of landscape in which the sky is not the key note, the standard of scale, and the chief organ of...
Trunk Traits
If your subject be a tree, observe particularly wherein it differs from those of other species: in the first place, the termination of...
Accessing "Mountain-ness"
Reflecting back in April of 2012 I had a conversation about landscape painting with a gallery owner. I believe there really isn't much...
Spaces In-Between
During grad school I found myself at moments unsatisfied working on a flatten surface. When I travel through a wooded area, I take...
Listening to the Conversation
A blast of warm light breaks across the dense fog as I sit still. Perched twenty feet up, I feel the subtle sway of the tree and I find...
On October 7-8, New Hampshire Institute of Art (NHIA) and 3S Artspace collaborated on a pop-up exhibition featuring the work of 8...